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거의~하지 않는 영어로

by Juliet0716 2022. 8. 5.
rarely: not often : "not (very) often" often used in everyday English instead of saying rarely
seldom : very rarely or almost never

Seldom is more formal than rarely and is used especially in written English

(Seldom sounds rather literary. In everyday English, people usually say rarely or not very often:
ex. I seldom go there. → I don’t go there very often.) 

도치: In formal writing, seldom  can be put first, followed by an auxiliary and the subject, to emphasize that something very rarely happens: Seldom have I read an article that was so full of lies.



평소에 요리 자주 안해요 I rarely cook
외식을 거의 하지 않아요 I seldom eat out



한국어 영어
카렌은 그가 그렇게 화난모습을 본적이 거의 없없다  
매우 강력한 메세지를 가지고 있는 책을 거의 읽어보지 못했다  



영어 한국어
Karen had seldom seen him so angry.  
Seldom have I read a book with such a powerful message.  



