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직접 그를 만나는게 어때?
Why don't you meet him in person?
만약에 비가 많이 오면, 나는 내일 그를 만나지 않을거야
If it rains a lot, I'm not going to meet him in person tomorrow.
Aren't you going to go to work if it rains a lot?
비가 많이 오더라도 나는 출근해야해.
Even though it rains a lot, I have to go to work.
Why do you have to go to work even though it rains a lot?
중요한 회의가 있기때문에 일하러 꼭 가야해
I have to go to work because I have an important meeting tomorrow.
만약에 내가 너무 많이 열심히 공부하면, 살이 찔것이다.
If I study too hard, I will gain weight. (gain weight:살이 찌다)
탕후루 먹어본적 있니?
Have you ever tried 탕후루? = Have you ever tried eating 탕후루?
I've never tried eating 탕후루.
이가 상할거야(나빠질거야)
Teeth will get worse
기타 쳐 본적 있어?
Have you ever tried playing guitar?
I recently bought a guitar.
I started playing guitar this week.
일주일에 몇번 기타연주해?
너는 낮에 기타를 쳐 , 밤에 쳐?
Do you play guitar during the day, or at night?
기타를 치는 친구가 있어.
I have a friend who plays a guitar.
그 기타를 산지 10년이 되었어
It has been 10 years since I bought the guitar.
얼마나 자주 기타를 치니?
How often do you play guitar?