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테스트 48

by Juliet0716 2024. 6. 22.

한국어는 영어로 영어는 한국어로 통역하기 


I'd like to see you in person to discuss the problem in detail.


Would you like to see me to discuss the problem in detail? 


왜 내가 그녀를 직접 만날때까지 기다려야 해?


Why do I have to wait until I see her in person? 


직접 만나서 (너를 직접만나면) 얘기해줄게


왜 내가 너 식사다할때까지 기다려야해?


Why do I have to wait until you finish having a meal?


왜 너 이번 주말에 일해야 해?


Why do you have to work this weekend?



I'll tell you when I see you in person.


I agree with you in that we need to have a meeting with them.


Did you have a meeting last weekend?


They were not available. 


제 일정에 문제가 있어요


I have a problem with my schedule.


I have to go on a business trip next weekend, suddenly.


우리회사는 그들과 문제가 생겼어(있어)


My company has a problem with them, suddenly.


I'm going to stay there for a month. 


너 호텔 예약했어?


Have you booked the hotel?


아직 호텔 예약못한 상태야


I haven't booked the hotel yet.


언제 호텔 예약할 예정이야?


When are you planning to book the hotel?


그 웹사이트 들어본적 있어?


Have you heard of the website? 




How about the flight?


비행기도 예약해야해


I have to book the flight as well.


Which airline are you going to use?


아직 잘모르겠어


I'm not sure. 


즐거운 여행 되길 바래


I hope you enjoy your trip.


다음에 또 보자 


See you later. 




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