회식장소 몇시까지 가야해?
Until what time do I have to get to the place for company dinner?
8시까지 가야해
I have to get there by 8pm. (get: 도착하다)
거기 어떻게 갈거야? (뭐타고 갈거야? 교통수단)
How will you get there?
택시를 타고 갈거야
I will get there by taxi
여기 근처 스타벅스는 몇시에 열어요?
What time does Starbucks near here open?
홍대에 있는 삼성플라자는 몇시에 문을 닫나요?
What time does 삼성플라자 in Hongdae close?
나는 오늘 숙제 하지않아도 돼
그럼 언제까지 숙제해야 돼?
Until when do you have to do your homework?
숙제 많지않아?
Don't you have a lot of homework?
숙제가 많지는 않아
I don't have a lot of homework
숙제 많지않으면 오늘 만날 수 있어?
Can you meet me if you don't have a lot of homework?
Sure, where would you like to meet?
내가 너 있는 곳으로 갈게
I'll go to the place where you are
너가 꼭 가야하는 장소가 있다.
There is a place you must go.
내가 꼭 사야하는 물건이 있다.
There is a thing I must buy.
너 꼭 사야하는 물건있어?
Is there a thing you must buy?
There is a thing I must buy.
What is it?
너가 사고싶어하는 아이패드는 얼마야?
How much is the ipad that you wanna buy?
I will buy it in Hongdae.
There is an Apple shop in Hongade.
When are you planning to go there?
I'm planning to go there by 10am.