규제 입장 속 인터넷 주식 관련 불확실성 계속돼
영자신문 문장 Uncertainty lingers over internet stocks amid regulatory stance
학생분이 작문한 문장 >>> Uncertainty countinue over internet stock amid regulatory stance
질문: ***over 동사 공부 필요 /linger 자리에 continue 가능?
over …을 두고, … 때문에, …에 대한(관련)
ex. an argument over money 돈 때문에 벌어진 언쟁
(특히 흥분·공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데[중]에, ~속 (발음: 어미!ㄷ)
He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
그는 엄청난 박수가 쏟아지는 가운데 연설을 마쳤다.
linger: to continue to exist
중국의 인터넷 주식은 / 중국 기업들이 급속도로 성장하며 / 2020년까지 전세계 투자자들 사이에서 각광받았다.
영자신문 문장 HONG KONG ― China's internet stocks / had been popular among global investors / up until 2020, when the companies had been achieving rapid growth.
학생이 쓴 문장 >>>>Internet stocks in china / have been popular by investors all over the world / until 2020, growing china companies 홍콩 ―
학생 질문1> among global / all over the world 가능?
학생 질문2> , when the companies had been achieving rapid growth. 대신에 growing china companies 가능?
하지만 2021년은 플랫폼 거대기업들의 주식에 호락호락하지 않았는데, 정부의 강화된 단속이 이 기업들을 하향 궤도로 접어들게 했기 때문이다.
영자신문 속 문장 But 2021 was tough for platform giants' stocks,
as authorities' strengthened crackdowns put them on a downward trajectory.
~하기 때문에
학생이 작문한 문장 >>However,2021 was not easy for platform giant's stock,
in that government's strengthened crack down cause 과거시제 쓰지 않은 이유? downward trajectory of company
~라는 점에서
나스닥 골든드래곤 중국 지수는 이번 달 15일 기준 전년도에 비해 거의 60% 하락했다.
The Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index / is down year-on-year by nearly 60 percent / as of Feb. 15.
>>> The Nasdak golden dragon china index / has been diminished / about 60% / year on year / as of Feb. 15
* diminish예문 (디미!니쉬)
to become or make something become smaller or less (출처: 롱맨사전)
These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.
The time Foreman spent with his children gradually diminished
* reduce 예문 (출처: 롱맨사전)
reduce to make the price, amount, or size of something less or smaller
The price was reduced by 50%
We need to reduce the amount of salt in our diet.
*cut 예문 (출처: 롱맨사전)
cut to reduce something, especially by a large amount – used about prices, costs, jobs, or the time needed to do something
Companies are always looking for ways to cut costs.
The journey time will be cut to under 2 hours.
Staff numbers have been cut by half to about 150.
*lower 예문 (출처: 롱맨사전)
lower to reduce the level, limit, or amount of something. Lower sounds rather formal
The voting age was lowered to 18.
The government decided to lower interest rates by 0.5%.
After twenty minutes, lower the temperature to 150 degrees.
The fall of stocks including Tencent and Alibaba / was contrary to the movements of U.S. tech stocks, such as Alphabet, Apple and Netflix, which rose to new highs in the same period.
>>> the decreasing stocks including Tencent and Alibaba / was a different movement against US. tech stocks such as alphabet, apple and netflix, rosing to new highs / in the same period.
뉴스기사 원문 While uncertainty continues to linger over China's internet stocks,불확실성이 중국 인터넷 주식 시장에 지속적으로 머무는 동안
analysts offer brighter projections for China's semiconductor and green energy sectors this year. 분석가들은 올해 중국의 반도체와 그린에너지 부문에 한층 밝은 예상을 내놓았다.
학생이 작문한 문장 >> While uncertainty lingers in China's internet stocks, analysts suggest brighter expectations of China's semiconductor and green energy sector this year
지속: 어떤 상태가 오래 계속됨. 또는 어떤 상태를 오래 계속함.
(예상보다 오래) 남다[계속되다]
The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.
그녀의 향수 냄새가 방 안에 희미하게 남아 있었다.
She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick.
그녀는 닉에게 이야기를 하려고 몇 분 더 머물렀다.
His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her finger.
그의 두 눈이 그녀의 손가락에 끼어져 있는 다이아몬드 반지에 오래 머물렀다
*suggest 예문 (출처:캠브리지영영사전)
1) to mention an idea, possible plan, or action for other people to consider:
- I suggest we use Barkers as our main suppliers - they're good and furthermore they're cheap.
- I suggested that we should meet
- They suggested we meet up at Mustafa's
2) to communicate or show an idea or feeling without stating it directly or giving proof:
There's no absolute proof, but all the evidence suggests (that) he's guilty.
All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money. (출처:네이버사전)
그 모든 증거가 그가 그 돈을 훔쳤음을 암시한다.
3)to make someone think that a particular thing is true (출처:롱맨영영사전)
The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.
HSBC의 아시아 담당 수석 증시 전략가, 헤럴드 판 데어 린데는 이메일을 통해 말했다.
"중국이 개발을 희망하는 (반도체 장비 및 풍력, 태양광 기술과 같은) 테크 산업들에서 성장은 더욱 나아질 것"이라고
영자신문 글 "Growth will be better in tech industries that China wants to develop, such as semiconductor equipment and wind and solar technologies," Herald van der Linde, the head of equity strategy for Asia-Pacific at HSBC Holdings, said via email.
학생분의 작문 >>> "Growth will be better in the tech industry such as semiconductor equipment and wind and solar technologies that China wants to develop via email. said herald van der Linde, the head of equity strategy for aisa-Pacific at HSBS holdings, KEY WORDS ■ outlook 전망 ■ linger (예상보다 오래) 남다 ■ crackdown 엄중 단속 ■ year-on-year 전년 대비의 ■ projection 예상 ■ sector 부문
출처: https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=324049
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