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초급 통번역 연습_Day 11

by Juliet0716 2024. 12. 5.

한국어는 영어로 영어는 한국어로 통번역하기 


look for 이라는 표현 무슨뜻이야?


What does look for mean ?


너 뭐 찾고 있어?


What are you looking for? 


너 뭐 먹고 있어? 


What are you eating? 


Do you think we can find 미사 station on Naver map?


요즘에 운동을 하지않아


These days, I don't exercise. 


너는 더 자주 운동하기를 원하니?


Do you want to work out more often?


카페에서 집중해서 공부하는 것은 나에게 쉽지않다.


It is not easy for me to focus on studying at a cafe.


It is easy for them to focus on studying at a cafe.


요즘에 카페에서 공부하는 사람들이 많습니다


Where is a good place for you to study?


어디가 당신이 공부하기 좋은 장소인가요?


These days, there are many people who study at cafes.


요즘에 달리기 하는 사람들이 많습니다


These days, there are many people running.


요리하는것은 너에게 쉬운일이니?


Is it easy for you to cook?


What is not easy for you?


Walking is easy for me.


Is it easy for you to go to bed early?


It is not easy to go to bed early.


나는 요즘 일찍 자려고 노력중이야


I'm trying to go to bed early these days.


단 것을 끊으려고 노력하는 중이세요?


Are you trying to cut down on sweets? 


미세먼지 알러지 있으세요?


Are you allergic to fine dust?


약 드세요?


Do you take medicine ?






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