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테스트 56

by Juliet0716 2024. 7. 9.

한국어는 영어로 영어는 한국어로 통역하기 


몇시까지 일해야 해 ?


By what time do you have to work today?


저녁만드는데 얼마걸려?


About how long does it take for you to make dinner? 


It takes about an hour for me to make dinner.


커피를 몇잔 마셔?


How many cups of coffee do you drink ? 


언제부터 마시지 않았어? 


Since when haven't you drunk coffee?


다이어트 하는 것을 언제 시작했어? When did you start to go on a diet?



I try not to eat snack


나는 6개월전부터 영어공부를 시작했어


I started learning English six months ago;


When did you start living with your dogs?


I started living with my dog early


I found them at dog shop.


2마리만 같은 종이다. 


Two of my dog are from the same shop.


2년 후에 데리고 데리고 왔어(함께 살기 시작했어)


What made you bring the other dog?


I wanted a big dog, border collie. 


어렸을때부터 큰 개를 가지고 싶었어. 


I have wanted a big dog since I was younger. 



3일전부터 다이어트를 시작했어.


I started going on a diet 3 days ago








before going to work



출장 가기전에


before going on a business trip?


너가 출장가기전에


before you go on a business trip 


출장 갈 예정입니다.


go on a business trip


밤 늦게 먹지않으려고 노력한다.


I try not to eat late at night. 




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