soli 쏠리ㄷ structure
한국어 순서 : 이 빵은 단단하다
영어 순서: 단단하다 이 빵은 => 이 빵은 + 단단하다
This bread 브뤠 ㄷ is expensive 비싼 + 다
견고한 바위 solid rock
고체 solid
a solid gold bracelet
순금 팔찌
sold structure that
for·tify F + 와이 => 뽜이
was fortified => be동사 (was)+ fortify의 pp형
만들다 make 만들어지다 be동사(was) + make의 p.p형인 made
This was made 만들어졌다 in China
against an attack 어택
요새 , 성
이 성은 100년전에 만들어졌다 This castle was made 100years ago.
build 짓다
이 성은 100년전에 지어졌다
This castle was built빌ㅌ 100years ago.
이 그림은 A에 의해 그려졌다. This picture was 그리다 paint painted페인티ㄷ by A
This picture was painted by me.
This picture was painted by AI?
Yes,it was
No, it wasn't
bake 굽다
이 빵은 구워졌어요 오늘 아침에.
This bread was baked 베잌ㅌ this morning.
이 빵은 구워졌어요 방금 ?
This bread was baked 베잌ㅌ just now
Yes it was
No, it wasn't =was not
It looks~해 보인다 beautiful.
You look beautiful.
이 집은 사용되었다 by (King Sejong세종대왕에 의해)
이 펜은 모차르트에 의해 사용되었다 This pen was used by Mozart.
이 펜은 모차르트에 의해 사용되었다 This pen was used by Mozart?
팔다 sell 팔다의 p.p형 sold
이 집은 팔렸다 This house was sold
All the ice cream was sold-out. 쏠/썰다웃
All the ice cream was sold-out?
다 팔렸나요?
품절, 재고 없다
I am going home.
cancel 캔슬 취소하다
was canceled 취소되었다
The meeting was canceled,
Yes, it was 네, 취소되었어요No, it wasn't 아니요, 취소되지 않았어요print 프린트하다was printed 프린트되어졌다
(사진이) 프린트되어졌다 The picture was printed
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2023년3월8일 S (2) | 2023.03.08 |
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