본문 바로가기


by Juliet0716 2023. 12. 9.

초급자 : NH 아파트 1층-2층-3층

중급자: 4층-5층-6층


좋아하는 콘서트 어떻게 되세요?

What type of concerts do you enjoy?

작고 조용한 콘서트를 좋아한다 I like small and quiet concerts

느리고 조용한 노래를 좋아한다 slow and quiet concerts

quiet and peaceful movies 

romantic movies

a big park

a small park 

a big city

I like to visit big city

나는  소도시 방문하는 것 좋아해I like to visit small cities.

큰도시에서 여행하는 것 좋아해? Do like to travel in small citiies?

quiet and peaceful 

I have good memory추억 = 경험

나라 시골

어느 나라 Which country did you visit?

나는 방문했다 visited 저팬

Which city did you visit?

어느 도시 방문했니?

많은사람들There are many peple and clean

I went to Pusan yesterday

I went to visit  in Pusan yesterday

I went to 해운대 to see a sea.

because I can release my stress. Suddenly I met my friend by chance

so we ate food with my friend in 해운대

Suddenly a cat sat next to me

I was surprised to see a cat

I was happy to see a cat


언제 어디서 무엇을 어떻게 왜






I like both big (concerts생략가능) and  small concerts 

야외 아웃도얼outdoor concerts : 시끄럽다 noisy

불편한 uncomfortable 집중하다 focus

집중하기 힘들다 It's difficult to focus


실내 인도얼 indoor concerts : 조용한 quiet, 편안한 comfortable

평화 peace, 아이 쀨 피 ㅅ 뿌울 I feel comfortable and peaceful

나는 좋아한다 + 음악 듣는것을 + 많은사람들과  함께 

I enjoy listening to music with ~함께 many people

I enjoy playing tennis with many people

I enjoy taking a walk with many people

I enjoy jogging with many people.

Do you  enjoy walking with many people?

Do you enjoy dancing with many people?

Do you enjoy attending concerts with many people?

No, I don't enjoy attending concerts with many people.

No, I don't like walking with many people



(잘안외워짐, 하고픈말있을때 단어찾아보는거, NH)


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